Monday, April 27, 2020

Assignments for Monday, April 27, 2020

Religion - Children will discuss different ways to protect nature. 
Read Aloud Poem: "Hurt No Living Thing," by Christina Rossetti
Discussion Questions: 
- Which creatures are mentioned in this poem? 
- Which living things can we care for? 
- Name 3 living things you help care for. 
- How do you care for them? 
Activity: Draw a picture of one living thing that you care for. 

Phonics: Children will review identifying uppercase and lowercase letters Rr, Ss, and Tt. 
- Video for Letter R: Sesame Street Letter R
- Video for Letter S: Sesame Street Letter S
- Video for Letter T: Sesame Street Letter T
Activity: Fold your paper into 3 columns.  In the first column write uppercase and lowercase Rr and draw new two pictures with beginning sound /r/ that you learned from the Letter R video today.  Repeat again on the second column for Letter Ss and on the third column for letter Tt.  
* Please send a picture to share your work with me to

Sight Words:
 Introduce the word "run." Have your child read the word and add it to your set of word cards.  Have your child use it in a sentence.  If your child is able to identify the word independently you can begin to encourage them to dictate and write a simple sentence.  For example: "I like to run."  "I like to run at the park."  "We will run home."  "We will run to school."  etc...

Math: Children will solve "take from with result unknown" story problems using objects from the story by subtracting one.
Take away -  to subtract one number or value from another.
minus sign -  (-)
Practice: Use whatever you have at home as counters and have your child create stories to take away one counter from the whole group. 
Activity: Smarttech Link: Subtracting 1
Activity: Math Workbook Complete pgs. 393-394

Extra Practice: 
Go to ABCYA.COM and practice adding and subtracting with Molly click on the link below

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