Friday, April 3, 2020

Assignments for Friday, April 3, 2020

Dear Families, 
I want to remind you that online learning will continue until Wednesday, April 8th.  Our Easter break will be April 9th - April 17th. 
Thank you for participating yesterday in our Zoom meeting it was awesome to see the children.  Our next zoom meeting will be next Tuesday, April 7th at 11:00am. 
Please keep safe, 
Mrs. Rodriguez

Religion - Children will learn about Mary Magdalene who was a follower of Jesus and her experience when Jesus rose from the dead on Easter Sunday. 
YouTube Link: "Easter,"
Activity: Help your child create a cross to represent the resurrection of Jesus and have them decorate it with whatever materials you have at home, allow your child to be as creative as they want to be. 

Phonics: Children will continue to identify uppercase and lowercase Ss. Children will identify letter sound /s/.

YouTube Link Letter S Song:

Reading:  Children will listen and respond to a different version of the story Tug of War.  Children will compare the two versions of the story. 

YouTube Link: "Anansi and the Tug of War"
Discussion Questions: 
- Who were the characters in this story? (spider, elephant, whale)
- Where did this story take place? (jungle, ocean)
- How were the characters different from the first story you read of Tug of War? (Instead of porcupine we had a spider and instead of a hippo we had a whale in this story)
- What did porcupine what from elephant and hippo?
- What did Anansi the Spider want from elephant and the whale?
- What else happened in this story that is the same or different from the first story? 
- Which story do you like the best? Why?

Activity: Draw a picture of one thing that is the same and one thing that is different from the first story of Tug of War to this story of Anansi and the Tug of War. 

Here is the link to the first version we read, "Tug of War" just in case your child can't remember specific details you can have them listen to the story again. Link:

Sight Words: Review the word "not" and use it in a sentence. 

Math: Children will add to make 4 and 5. 

Smarttech Link:
Activity: Math Workbook Complete pgs.357 - 358 Add 4. 

Story Time: "How to Catch the Easter Bunny," by Adam Wallace

Youtube Link:

Song and Movement
Boom Chicka Boom Easter Song and Dance 
YouTube Link:

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