Friday, April 24, 2020

Assignments for Friday, April 24, 2020

Religion - Children will understand that as we grow and change God wants us to have endurance. 
Vocabulary: - Endurance: the ability to go on under pain or hardship.
Great endurance is needed to run a marathon.Kids on the Run: The New Trend in Family-Friendly Fitness |
Read Aloud: The Busy Beaver, by Nicholas Oldland
Discussion Questions: 
-  Let’s discuss, as we grow up we all have jobs to do. 
- The beaver had lots of work to do, was he careful with completing his jobs at the beginning of the story? Why not? 
- At the end of the story the beaver built his endurance and even though it was hard work he was able to get it done.
- How did the Beaver feel after he got all his work done? 
- What kind of work is hard for you to finish? 
- How do you feel when you get something hard to do either at school or at home done?
- Why do you think God wants us to have endurance? 
Activity: Act out and tell your family a classroom job that you find hard to do but you do not give up until it is finished.  For example: putting the blocks back in order in the shelf, putting back all the puzzle pieces, or cleaning up the kitchen etc...

Phonics: Children will continue to identify uppercase and lowercase Tt.  Children will also identify letter sound /t/. 
Sing Song: YouTube Link: Sing: Learn the Letter T

Sight Words: Read the word of the week "play." Have your child use it in a sentence.  If your child is able to independently identify the word "play" you can begin to encourage them dictate and write a simple sentence. For example: I can play with my toy.  I like to play with my Mom. We will play with the ball.

Math: Children will solve "take from with result unknown" story problems using objects from the story by subtracting one.
Take away -  to subtract one number or value from another.
minus sign -  (-)
Practice: Use whatever you have at home as counters and have your child create stories to take away one counter from the whole group. 
Activity: Smarttech Link: Gumball Math
Activity: Math Workbook Complete pgs. 391-392

Social Studies / Science:  Children will learn how they can help keep the environment clean. 
Sing Song: Save the Planet
Activity: Draw a picture of how you are going to help take care of God's gift of the Earth. 

Story Time:  I Am Earth, by Rebecca and James McDonald

Extra Practice: 
Go to ABCYA.COM and practice adding and subtracting with Molly click on the link below

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