Sunday, October 17, 2021

Week of 10/18/21 - 10/22/21

 News of the Week 

- Wednesday, Oct. 20th School Closed - Data Day

- Picture Day will be Oct. 28th. If your child's picture envelope is not received before the 28th their picture will not be taken. 

- Just want to remind everyone that Progress reports will be sent home this week only for Kindergarten to 8th grade.  Pre-K Parent-Teacher Conferences will take place in November. If you have any questions or concerns you can always email me at

- Our Halloween Party will be Oct. 29th.  Children are to wear their costumes to school, please make sure children do not have any violent props such as swords, shields, toy guns etc... these props are not allowed.  All children must bring a Trick or Treat bag as they will be sharing treats with each other.  Also, for the Halloween party I am asking for a $5. donation to purchase pizza, juice, cupcakes and other treats for the children.  I am also asking for each child to bring a bag of candy or chocolate to share with their classmates. Thank you for your help and cooperation. If you have any questions please email me. 

- Every Thursday children are to wear their Gym uniforms. 

- Please remember to check this blog every afternoon for homework assignments and Sunday evenings or Monday mornings for our weekly news.  

- Please remember to bring sleeping mats back to school.

This week the children will be learning the following: 

Reading -  Children will listen and respond to the story "Little Red Riding Hood." 

Phonemic Awareness - Children will repeat a sequence of words.  Children will identify letter sounds /c/ and /d/.

Phonics - Children will recognize the written form of their first name. The 4yr. old Group will begin to practice writing their names. Children will identify uppercase and lowercase letters Cc and Dd. 

Religion - Children will learn about God's creations and focus this week on God's gift of earth and plants. Children will understand how farmers grow fruits and vegetables and how we harvest during the Autumn season. 

Math -  Children will begin to learn about 2D shapes.

Science - Children will learn the life cycle of pumpkins. 

Social Studies - Children will learn about the life of a farmer.

Sight Words (4yr. old Group) - Children will read and write the color word "blue."

The 4yr. old group should be reviewing the following words: 

Sight Words:  a, and, away, big

Number Words: one, two, three, four, five

Color Words: red, blue

Lesson Plans of the Week:  Please click here

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