Sunday, September 12, 2021

Week of 9/13/21 - 9/17/21

News of the Week 

- Please remember to return all completed forms and 2 emergency cards.  Also, make sure that both emergency cards must have the same information as one card goes to the school office and the other one with me in the classroom. 

- Every Thursday children are to wear their Gym uniforms. 

- Tomorrow is the first day of  the After-School Program.  Please let me know if your child will be staying in the after-school program. 

- Please remember to check this blog every afternoon for homework assignments and Sunday evenings or Monday mornings for our weekly news.  

This week the children will be learning the following: 

Reading -  Children will listen and respond to a story and describe things that make them special or unique. 

Phonemic Awareness - Children will repeat a sequence of words.

Phonics - Children will learn concepts of letters.

Religion - Children will experience belonging to a preschool group. 

Math - Children will match two objects that are exactly the same. 

Science - Children will understand what is science.  Children will understand the different skills scientists use to learn about the world. 

Sight Words (4yr. old Group) - Children will read and write the word "a."

Lesson Plans of the Week:  Please click here

1 comment:

  1. Jade Castillo is coming home with the hw book. But I am not seeing any assignments posted on the blog. Am I missing something?
