Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Assignments for Wednesday, 4/22/20

Religion and Science - Children will understand why God makes all things to grow and change. 
Discussion Question: 
- What are things that grow and change? 
- How do living things such as animals and plants grow and change? 
- How will you grow and change?
- God has wonderful plans for you as you grow up. What do you think is God's plan for you?
- What would happen if people, animals or plants did not grow and change? What would our world be like? 
****Help children understand that God wants us to grow and be more like Jesus. God wants children to grow up loving and helping one another. God wants us to help take care of all living things which are gifts from God's creations. 
Sing Song: YouTube Link: I Have Decided to Follow Jesus
Activity: Draw a picture of two things that grow and change. 

Phonics: Children will continue to identify uppercase and lowercase Tt.  Children will also identify letter sound /t/. 

Sing Song: YouTube Link: Sing: Learn the Letter T

Reading: Children will listen and respond to the story "Peter and the Wolf."  Children will identify important details in the story. 
Read Aloud -  YouTube Link: Peter and the Wolf
meadow - an open field of grass that is growing wild or is used for pasture or to grow hay.
forest - a large area of land covered with many trees and other plants.
Discussion Questions: 
- Who are the characters in this story? 
- Where did the story take place? (accept answers meadow or forest)
- Tell your Mom or Dad three important events that happened in this story. 
Acceptable responses are the following: 
- Grandfather did not want Peter to go into the forest because of the wolf. 
- The duck gets eaten by the wolf.  
- The bird helps Peter catch the wolf. 
- Peter uses a rope to catch the wolf by the tail. 
- The hunters help Peter bring the wolf back to the zoo. 
Activity: Draw a picture of one important detail from "Peter and the Wolf."

Sight Words: Read the word of the week "play." Have your child use it in a sentence.  If your child is able to independently identify the word "play" you can begin to encourage them dictate and write a simple sentence. For example: I can play with my toy.  I like to play with my Mom. We will play with the ball.

Math: Children will represent "take from with result unknown" story problems using number sentences. 

Discussion: Explain to your child that taking away represents what we call subtraction. 
Have them create their own story about taking away with objects around them. 
Have your child draw pictures and show how to take away by crossing out the objects and counting what is left. Later on, we will introduce how they can subtract by counting backwards, however for now the best way is showing them visuals by having them draw pictures to represent the subtraction story. 
Take away -  to subtract one number or value from another.
minus sign(-)
Activity: Smarttech Link: Subtraction Stories
Activity: Math Workbook Complete pg.s 387- 388 Take Away
Have your child write the number sentence as well for extra practice. 
For example: #1 on pg. 387 (5 apples take away 2 apples makes 3 apples left. Explain that sentence is the same as 5 - 2 = 3)

Story Time:  Earth Day Every Day by Lisa Bullard

Happy Earth Day! 
(Tomorrow we will discuss Earth day)

Handwriting -  Write uppercase and lowercase Tt 5x's each in the notebook. 
Phonics - Draw and label a picture with beginning sound /t/. 

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