Monday, April 27, 2020

Assignments for Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Religion:  Children will recognize that God calls us to care for his creation. 
(Lesson will be conducted during Zoom Meeting.)

Reading: Children will listen and respond to the story "Peter and the Wolf."
Children will compare and contrast two versions of the story "Peter and the Wolf."
Please have your child listen to both versions 30 minutes before their Zoom Meeting tomorrow.
YouTube Link: Peter and Wolf - 1st Version
YouTube Link: Peter and the Wolf - 2nd Version
(Lesson will be conducted during Zoom Meeting.) 

Phonemic Awareness:  Children will identify initial sounds in words. 
Activity: Smarttech Link: Initial Sounds
Have your child write the missing initial sound.  Then have them sound out the beginning, middle and ending sounds to read the word. 

Sight Words: Review the word "run." Have your child read the word and add it to your set of word cards.  Have your child use it in a sentence.  If your child is able to identify the word independently you can begin to encourage them to dictate and write a simple sentence.  For example: "I like to run."  "I like to run at the park."  "We will run home."  "We will run to school."  etc...

 Children will solve "take from with result unknown" story problems using objects from the story by subtracting two. 
Practice: Use whatever you have at home as counters and have your child create stories to take away two counters from the whole group. 
Activity: Smarttech Link: Subtract 2
Activity: Math Workbook Complete pgs. 395-396

Extra Practice: 
Go to ABCYA.COM and practice adding and subtracting with Molly click on the link below

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