Thursday, April 23, 2020

Assignments for Thursday, April 23, 2020

Religion - Children will continue to appreciate the different ways we grow and change.  Children will understand that as they grow and change they will understand why it is a good idea to follow God's ways.
Discussion Questions: 
-      Let’s discuss again different ways you will grow and change.
-      Why is it important to follow God’s ways and be good followers of Jesus?
-      What do you think you want to be when you grow up?
-      How will you care for God’s creations of people and earth as you continue to grow?
Sing Song: YouTube Link: Follow Me
Activity: Draw a picture of how you think you will be as a grown up.

Phonics: Children will continue to identify uppercase and lowercase Tt.  Children will also identify letter sound /t/. 
Sing Song: YouTube Link: Sing: Learn the Letter T
Activity: Write uppercase and lowercase Tt. Then draw one picture of a word that begins with /t/ and draw two pictures of words that end with /t/.

Reading: Children will listen and respond to the story "Peter and the Wolf."  Children will identify problem and solution in the story.
Read Aloud -  YouTube Link: Peter and the Wolf
meadow - an open field of grass that is growing wild or is used for pasture or to grow hay.
forest - a large area of land covered with many trees and other plants.
Discussion Questions: 
- Who are the characters in this story? 
- Where did the story take place? (accept answers meadow or forest)
- Yesterday you discussed important events that happened in the story such as:
- Grandfather did not want Peter to go into the forest because of the wolf. 
- The duck gets eaten by the wolf.  
- The bird helps Peter catch the wolf. 
- Peter uses a rope to catch the wolf by the tail. 
- The hunters help Peter bring the wolf back to the zoo. 
- Today I want you to tell what the main problem in this story is and how is this problem solved in the story.
- If you were to have a problem like Peter did in real life, how would you help solve it?
Activity: Fold a paper in half, on one side draw a picture of the problem in the story and on the other side draw a picture of the solution in the story.

Sight Words: Read the word of the week "play." Have your child use it in a sentence.  If your child is able to independently identify the word "play" you can begin to encourage them dictate and write a simple sentence. For example: I can play with my toy.  I like to play with my Mom. We will play with the ball.

Math: Children will represent "take from with result unknown" story problems using number
Take away -  to subtract one number or value from another.
minus sign -  (-)
Activity: Smarttech Link: Gumball Math
Activity: Math Workbook Complete pg.s 389- 390 Take Away
Have your child write the number sentence as well for extra practice. 

Social Studies / Science:  Children will learn how they can help keep the environment clean. 
Video: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle YouTube Link:
Discussion: Think of one thing you can  REDUCE, REUSE and RECYCLE.
Sing Song: Going Green Song YouTube Link:
Activity: Create a picture of the Earth. Use whatever green and blue materials you have at home such as: markers, crayons, playdough, green and blue tissue paper, water colors, paint, magazine cut outs etc…
For example: 
12 BEAUTIFUL EARTH DAY ART PROJECTS FOR KIDS Things to Make and Do, Crafts and Activities for Kids - The Crafty ... Easy Tissue Paper Earth Day Craft for Kids Kids Handprint Earth Day Craft - Fun Handprint Art

Story Time:  I Love the Earth, by Todd Parr YouTube Link:

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